2022 Commitments Directory
61 Commitments
2 Million
Change-makers from policy, philanthropy, industry, and STEM education joined our 2022 Commitments Event.
Learn more about the event or navigate the Data Science for Everyone Commitments Directory below to see how districts, universities, states, and organizations are all committing to actions that are helping to prepare ALL students for a data science future.
Find potential collaborators, as well as resources and opportunities including free licenses, learning activities, data sets and programs that you can join or use in your data science education practice.

2Sigma School Inc.
2Sigma School commits to offering high-quality, instructor-led, credit-bearing online data science classes to high school students directly through our website or integrated within the school schedule in partnership with high schools all across the US.
Curriculum & courses

Arkansas Department of Education
Arkansas Department of Education commits to investing $1.5M in computer science teacher training, including for advanced data science standards. To further address the need for instructional capacity, the department also commits to providing grants to Virtual Arkansas to support the development of multi-year Data Science pathways and provide access to data science curriculum and instruction for students in districts that lack teacher capacity. Finally, from the 2022-23 school year, all 9th graders must earn at least 1 CS credit, which includes DS course options.
Policy; Professional development; Curriculum & courses

CSforALL commits to supporting the 8 recommendations in the report "The Future of Problem Solving with Data and Intelligence," explicitly focused on engaging industry, ensuring updates to career awareness resources, and building a clear understanding of implementation success.
Raising awareness

CodeVA commits to supporting Virginia's learners with Computer Science + Data Science with a focus on broadening participation for all students in the Commonwealth. Specifically, CodeVA will develop and pilot a set of three Project Based Learning lesson sets, sequenced for use in Virginia's Math and Computer Science classrooms.
Guidance; Learning activities & resources

DataCamp commits to giving away our industry-leading data science education platform to over 1 million students and teachers worldwide for free by June 2023. DataCamp for Classrooms provides free access to our Learn, Certification, and Workspace products to teachers and students from universities worldwide (and high schools in the US, UK, Belgium, & Poland) for at least 6 months. Nonprofit organizations and student clubs are also eligible to apply for free subscriptions through DataCamp Donates.
Curriculum & courses; Tools & software

Dataspire Education & Evaluation LLC
Dataspire commits to assisting schools and districts specifically within urban areas and tribal lands to integrate data skills in coordinated and strategic ways across grade levels (grades 3-12) and/or across subject areas (science, math, social studies, English/language arts) irrespective of their curriculum or technology platforms during the 2022-23 school year.

Frederick County Public Schools
FCPS commits to implementing the new Virginia Data Science Standards of Learning through a standalone high school course and student self-determined projects across the disciplines.
Curriculum & courses

Hello AI - HAI Labs
Hello AI - HAI Labs commits to promoting primary and secondary data and data science literacy in cities where children are under-resourced. Students will learn about data science and machine learning by making age-appropriate applications and solving STEM-related problems. This learning platform creates ML models and datasets (non-sensitive) about learning new concepts in K-12 suitable for researchers and governments to develop pedagogy, curriculum, and policies.
Learning activities & resources; Tools & software

Israel Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education commits to using its Data Analysis program for high schools to share knowledge and experience, provide consultation, and support schools through establishing and developing data science curricula.
Curriculum & courses

Khan Lab School/Khan Academy
Khan Lab School/Khan Academy is committed to data science education. By launching an introductory data science course for high school students of all ages and developing an advanced topics in data science and statistics course, Khan Lab School/Khan Academy plans to reach 40 students in the next year and looks forward to one day reaching millions
Curriculum & courses

MindHive at New York University
MindHive commits to optimizing data analysis and visualization tools that support learners and communities in engaging with and communicating behavioral data from studies they designed on the MindHive platform by the end of 2023.
Interdisciplinary; Tools & software

NetApp commits to investing in data science education starting at a young age. Through its NetApp Data Science Explorers program and partnerships with the World's Largest Lesson, UNICEF, and UNESCO, NetApp is committed to reaching hundreds of thousands of young people around the world with empowered data-centered learning experiences.
Curriculum & courses

Northwestern Mutual
Northwestern Mutual and the Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute commit to integrating data literacy into the majority of our STEM outreach and Tech-for-Good initiatives. Through this commitment, the students, teachers, and non-profit professionals we partner with will benefit from being equipped with data literacy skills needed to succeed in our world today.
Learning activities & resources; Raising awareness

Oxnard Union High School District
The Oxnard Union High School District commits to increasing the number of data science sections, the number of schools offering data science, and the number of teachers trained on the Bootstrap Data Science curriculum in 2022-23.
Curriculum & courses

SAP + San Francisco 49ers
The 49ers and SAP commit to building on the educational data science resources created in 2021. In 2022, classrooms from all over the San Francisco Bay Area will visit Levi’s Stadium and learn first hand how the 49ers use technology and apply real time data insight to create the best fan experience on game days.
Learning activities & resources

SUNY Fredonia
SUNY Fredonia College of Education commits to developing our preservice teacher education program so that our candidates have the skills to develop their classrooms to have a "culture of data" that empowers students to learn about the world.
Professional development

Studomia commits to offering educational programmes and piloting innovative products that leverage data science, learning engineering research, and education for in-school teachers and learners. Studomia aims to provide equitable access to data and tools that increase learning effectiveness and access to a quality education.
Learning activities & resources; Tools & software

The Reboot Foundation
The Reboot Foundation commits to highlighting the need for better data science education by featuring the topic in a column authored by the foundation’s president and CEO, Helen Lee Bouygues, to be published in a national media outlet by December 2022.
Raising awareness

Utah Board of Education
Utah commits to starting a data science pilot program, including tracking how the class fits with student needs and aspirations while preparing them to be successful in whatever path they choose.
Curriculum & courses

Data.org commits to launching a comprehensive survey of data talent in the social sector worldwide, and identifying four clear pathways for developing purpose-driven data professionals.
Raising awareness; Guidance

AIandYou commits to working with Data Science for Everyone to educate marginalized communities about opportunities in data science to spur new understanding and change lives.
Raising awareness

Association for Career and Technical Education
ACTE commits to supporting CTE data science programs to meet talent needs and prepare learners for career success.
Raising awareness

Center for Curriculum Redesign
The Center for Curriculum Redesign commits to:
1) Redesigning K-9 math standards to strongly feature stats/probs (aka Data Science) and discrete/computational math for global consumption.
2) Designing a PISA-like test (PRIMO) to be administered in 2026, covering Probabilities in particular (basic and Bayesian).
3) Designing two courses for teachers on Probabilities, available in Fall 2022.
4) Designing Learning Outcomes for "Intro to Stats" for Higher Ed, in concert with ASA.
Guidance; Policy; Curriculum & courses

Corvallis High School
Corvallis High School commits to offering a data science lesson as part of our current curriculum during the 2022/23 school year and piloting a full Data Science course the following school year.
Courses & curriculum; Learning activities & resources

DataClassroom Inc
DataClassroom commits to creating a curated set of more than 175 free-to-use datasets ready for the classroom —including in university settings and the DataClassroom web app — AND to offering 20 hours of free professional development through webinars and workshops by the end of 2022.
Open data sets; Professional development

Deepnote commits to providing free data science tools for students, teachers, educators and researchers worldwide, as well as organizing educational workshops for students and supporting educational institutions in developing data literacy and data science programs by 2023.
Tools & software; Learning activities & resources

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University
The Hub for Innovation and Research in Statistics Education [HI-RiSE] @ The Friday Institute commits to providing free online professional learning for teachers through their on-demand course Amplifying Statistics and Data Science in Classrooms.
Professional development

InSTEP @ The Friday Institute
InSTEP commits to providing free high quality online PD to support 6th - 12th grade teachers in developing their expertise to teach statistics/data science during summer/fall 2022. Teachers will: use the InSTEP platform to personalize their learning/meet professional goals; build skills in data investigations and innovative teaching approaches based on practices of data professionals and research on students’ learning with data; and, expand their professional collection of resources and technology.
Professional development

Just Equations
Just Equations commits to:
1) conducting and disseminating policy analysis related to graduation requirements, K-12 standards, college admissions requirements, and other policies relevant to adoption of and equitable access to K-12 data science pathways; and
2) engaging state and national policymakers, education leaders, associations, commissions, and equity advocates by hosting and participating in webinars and events to increase awareness of K-12 data science pathway opportunities and support for implementing them in equitable ways as an ongoing effort.
Policy; Guidance; Raising awareness

Lynwood Unified School District
Lynwood USD commits to:
1) Building, evaluating or acquiring a K-12 Data Science curriculum in 2022-23.
2) Providing professional development opportunities on college and career pathways in data science, including measuring impact.
3) Identifying funding to increase instructional capacity for staff in order to offer data science academies and accelerated learning.
4) Creating a Data Science opportunity at both high schools in 2023-24 aligned to UC/CSU A-G requirements that includes work-based learning experiences
Curriculum & courses; Professional development

NC State University ESTEEM Project
Enhancing Statistics Teacher Education with E-Modules (ESTEEM) commits to providing free modules for use in courses in mathematics teacher preparation programs that engage faculty and future teachers in high quality statistics and data science learning experiences.
Professional development

New York University, The Education Development Center, and Fordham University
Data Literacy through the Arts (DLTA), a collaboration between New York University, the Education Development Center, and Fordham University, commits to co-designing, testing, and disseminating adaptable arts-integrated data literacy units for middle school students and teachers.
Learning activities & resources; interdisciplinary

Nxt Wave Founders
Nxt Wave Founders commits to:
1) Launching economic mobility initiatives leveraging the power of Data Science Education to impact 1 million students transitioning into the workforce by 2030.
2) Fostering unique, unexpected partnerships with all sizes of organizations.
3) Providing a 10-month Fellowship offering training and funding for student-led community projects or start-ups.
4) Joining the DS4E Coalition to advance our Ignite Schools Program with teacher training, project-based curricula, and place-based learning in the classroom.
Curriculum & courses; Student programs

Peddie School
The Peddie School commits to: a) introducing data science lessons into math courses like linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and statistics; b) incorporating more science-themed explorations in our data science course for research science students; and c) creating tutorials showing how to use Python data science tools to perform basic calculations and visualizations, making these tools accessible to more math and science teachers.
Curriculum & courses

SAS commits to creating mini-lessons for SAS®DataFly, enabling educators to teach data literacy in an engaging, approachable way within the classroom. These bite-sized lessons get students thinking about and interacting with data in minutes so data becomes as integrated in the classroom as in the workplace. To build awareness about the lessons, we’ll implement a social campaign and leverage data literacy and media literacy partnerships to amplify the message.
Learning activities & resources; Tools & software; Raising awareness

San Diego USD
San Diego Unified School District commits to offering data science to over 120,000 students from transitional kindergarten to 12th grade. SDUSD will also continue partnerships with regional institutions of higher education to offer a data science sequence that articulates to college credit
Curriculum & courses; Policy

Tableau, A Salesforce Company
Tableau for Teaching commits to offering all K-12 not-for-profit schools and accredited, degree granting universities free Tableau Desktop licenses, Tableau Prep, E-Learning, Course Curriculum, and free Course Software. Tableau for Students also commits to giving every student enrolled at a full-time not-for-profit educational institution free Tableau desktop licenses, Tableau Prep, and E-Learning. For all DS4Everyone referrals, Tableau is willing to offer a “Getting Started with Tableau for Educators and Students.”
Tools & software; Curriculum & courses; Learning activities & resources; Professional Development

UCLA Introduction to Data Science Project
The Introduction to Data Science Project commits to increasing the number of students in data science from 8,000 to 9,300 in the next academic year.
Curriculum & courses

Virginia Department of Education
Virginia commits to piloting a data science high school course among 21 teachers in 7 out of 8 Virginia regions, reaching 400+ students in 15 schools
Curriculum & courses

databot™ commits to developing and releasing ten or more data science lessons in which students collect, analyze, and interact with live sensor data through engaging STEM activities by the end of 2022.
Learning activities & resources

Academic Data Science Alliance
The Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) commits to expanding programming and access to its data science career support opportunities and learning resources, such our career panels and open datasets, to K-12 students, teachers and parents. ADSA will expand networks and programming through collaborations with community colleges and organizations, like DS4E, to increase awareness and demystify data science in all fields of study and work.
Raising awareness

Bootstrap/Brown University
Bootstrap commits to releasing data science materials in several grade bands, including upper-elementary and middle-school social studies with materials that directly support (rather than replace) Algebra 2 instruction in states across the US. We strongly believe that Data Science can "support and enhance" student learning in many subjects, and that exploring multiple disciplinary angles creates new opportunities to teach data science in equitable ways.
Curriculum & courses; Learning activities & resources

Center for Radical Innovation for Social Change (RISC)
Center for RISC commits to expanding data science education through our novel data science game — Algo-rhythm. Made in collaboration with Enable Education, Algo-rhythm encourages kids to examine the data behind the songs they know and love, and gives them the opportunity to create playlists, explore how songs are made, and dance to the beat. Parents and teachers can play the game alongside their students and create lesson plans that help students understand foundational data science concepts.
Learning activities & resources

Data Stories
Data Stories commits to providing more than 30 freely available DataKits (stand-alone K-12 data science education activities) for use by educators, students, and club organizers by the end of 2022.
Learning activities & resources

DataedX Group
DataedX Group commits to offering a reduced-rate data equity program for K-12 teachers and district staff and creating a free online curated set of data ethics and science resources by the end of 2023.
Guidance; Professional development

Federation of American Scientists
FAS commits to placing five more data scientists across the federal government through its FAS Impact Fellowship. One of those fellows will be leading data science education efforts at the Institute for Education Sciences.

Getting Smart
The Getting Smart team commits to continuing to write and speak about the importance of data science in the K-12 curriculum at least monthly. As part of our New Pathways campaign, we will include a strand of content and resources around data science education.
Raising awareness

Institute of Education Sciences
IES commits to providing student writing data that can be used to create and use natural language processing using authentic data by students for students.
Open data sets

KIPP NYC commits to expanding data science in the social studies classroom to the fourth grade in the following year and to further grow to grade 8 by 2025, which will allow them to reach over 4,000 students.
Curriculum & courses; Interdisciplinary

The MATHCOUNTS Foundation commits to providing a minimum of 2 free math resources that support data science skills development for grades 6-8, including problem sets, mini lessons, and/or club activities.
Learning activities & resources

National Science Foundation
The NSF commits to accepting proposals for a number of programs that support data science education, teaching, and research, increasing students' interest in STEM careers. These programs are:
1) Computer Science for All
2) Discovery Research, Pre-K–12
3) EHR Core Research
4) Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)
Professional development; Guidance; Policy

North Carolina State University
The Data Science Academy at NC State commits to scaling up the number of its All-Campus Data Science through Accessible Project-Based Teaching and Learning (ADAPT) courses, which provide access to data science opportunities to students of all levels. The Data Science Academy at NC State will also introduce new internship opportunities in social impact data science.
Curriculum & courses; Student program

OSU STEMcoding Project
STEM Coding commits to designing a year-long data science curriculum for high school students that leads to a Microsoft Excel certificate. STEM coding also commits to creating six new data science activities that will be posted on their YouTube channel.
Curriculum & courses; Learning activities & resources

PhET Interactive Simulations
PhET Interactive Simulations commits to publishing 2+ simulations with related instructional materials to support learning and engagement in data science, to enhancing 3 PhET science simulations with sources of uncertainty, and to disseminating these as open educational resources for teachers and students.
Learning activities & resources

SMASH commits to supporting data science through the STEM Workshop Curriculum where the organization hosts a class on Data Visualizations and Machine Learning to prepare underrepresented youth for future careers.
Student programs

Schilling Data Studio
Schilling Data Studio commits to offering data visualization training in the form of an online course and live workshops to teach design principles that will enable educators and students to clearly communicate data.
Curriculum & courses; Professional development

Teknikio commits to developing new curriculum and tools for data science that are widely available and accessible to educators and learners through the Tekniverse platform. Curriculum is designed in collaboration with like-minded groups to demonstrate the social and environmental impacts of data. It encourages users to take action and responsibility, promoting digital justice and equality.
Tools & software; Learning activities & resources

University of Florida
University of Florida College of Education commits to integrating AI and data science across curricula; releasing educational big data to promote AI and data science applications in education; and engaging in a wider K-12 community to raise awareness of data science and AI.
Curriculum & courses; Open data sets; Raising awareness

WestEd Science and Engineering
WestEd Science and Engineering commits to supporting science and math teachers grades 6–12 through professional learning that begins with educators' own narratives about data-rich teaching and learning. These efforts will take place through the NSF-funded project "Boosting Data Science Teaching and Learning in STEM" and the NASA-funded project "Place-Based Learning to Advance Connections, Education, and Stewardship (PLACES)."
Professional development

edX commits to making data science accessible to all learners through its 350+ data science courses and 100+ programs at top universities and companies, which will reach many more learners in the coming year.