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273 Commitments

3 Million





Universities, districts, policymakers and organizations joined our 2021 campaign. 

Learn more about the campaign or navigate the Data Science for Everyone Commitments Directory below to see how districts, universities, states, companies and organizations are all committing to actions that promote data literacy. 

Find potential collaborators, as well as resources and opportunities including free licenses, learning activities, data sets and programs that you can join or use in your data science education practice.


100Kin10 commits to sharing information about data science and from the Data Science for Everyone campaign with 100Kin10 partners and in particular with members of the 100Kin10 micro-network focused on high school equity in STEM by 2026.

Raising awareness


AIandYou commits to creating awareness in underrepresented communities and highlighting diverse leaders working towards Data Science for Everyone on the platform.

Raising awareness

American University

The Center for Data Science at American University commits to developing data science curriculum and providing other free resources to promote public high school education.

Curriculum & courses; Professional development; Guidance


B-Unbound commits to recruit mentors, guest speakers, and real world learning opportunities (internships, shadow days, etc) in the Data Science field to add to the ImBlaze opportunity database by the end of the 2021/22 school year.

Learning activities & resources;
Student programs

BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium

The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium commits to working with undergraduate biology faculty to advance the integration of the use of data science principles and practices throughout undergraduate biology education over the next year.

Professional development; Interdisciplinary

Bootstrap / Brown University

Bootstrap commits to:
1) Expanding our Data Science materials with broader usage guidelines.
2) Offering Data Science Professional Development for educators everywhere.
3) Launching the second wave of Data Science teachers across the curriculum in New York City - the nation’s largest school district.

Learning activities & resources; Professional development

Carnegie Mellon University - Learn Lab

Carnegie Mellon University's LearnLab commits to providing scholarships for any graduate student to freely attend the Educational Data Mining or Computational Model of Learning tracks at the LearnLab Summer School.

Student programs

2Sigma School Inc.

2Sigma School commits to offering high-quality, instructor-led, credit-bearing online classes in Data Science to high-school students, directly through our website or integrated within the school schedule in partnership with high schools all across the US for the upcoming academic school year by August 2021.

Curriculum & courses


AMATYC commits to revising its current data science subcommittee of the AMATYC statistics committee to integrate Data Science into the new Academic Network (ANet) structure by the end of 2021.

Raising awareness

Area9 Lyceum

Area9 Lyceum commits to developing a personalized and adaptive conceptual introduction to data science for high school teachers by the summer of 2022.

Professional development

BSCS Science Learning

BSCS Science Learning commits to providing our 4-hour professional learning (PL) experience on data science education to 500 secondary teachers by the end of 2022.

Professional development

Biotechnology Institute

The Biotechnology Institute commits to exposing our student body to Data Science.

Curriculum & courses


BrainPOP commits to do teacher professional development and training on actionable data science by December 2021.

Professional development

Carolina Biological Supply Company

Carolina Biological commits to developing new or enhancing existing science supplemental products by 2023 that will offer K-16 students the experience and instruction in using data science.

Learning activities & resources

95 Percent Group

95 Percent Group commits to launching a new set of structured literacy products to be used with a district’s core curriculum, 95 Phonics Core ProgramTM.

Additionally, Dr. Susan Hall, author of I’ve DIBEL’d Now What, commits to build teachers’ data literacy skills by creating new job-embedded training resources to support assessment-driven, differentiated early literacy instruction by Fall 2021.

Curriculum & Courses;
Professional development


ASSISTments commits to:
1) Publishing an op-ed on the importance of data science education and data literacy training in the middle and HS math curriculum in Fall 2021.
2) Publicly releasing large educational data sets via its upcoming E-TRIALS platform.
3) Hosting a data science curricula on the ASSISTments platform or building modules for teachers to cover the same standards using their existing curriculum with a data science lens (funding dependent).

Raising awareness; Open data sets; Tools & software

Arkansas Department Of Education

The Arkansas Department of Education Office of Computer Science commits to supporting the successful implementation of our newly created, and Arkansas State Board of Education approved, Data Science courses and three year pathway.

Curriculum & courses; Policy

BiFrost Bridge Studios

BiFrost Bridge Studios commits to collaborating to bring our data science animation series to YouTube by August 1st, 2021.

Raising awareness


Blackboard commits to offer a free, self-paced course on Introducing Learning Analytics.

Curriculum & courses

Carnegie Learning

Carnegie Learning commits to releasing datasets from MATHia and other educational software products.

Open data sets
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