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Vote for our SXSW EDU 2023 sessions!

We’ve submitted FOUR proposals for SXSW EDU 2023 and voting has just opened! Will you help us get there? Keep reading to learn about each of our sessions and how to vote.

Quick links - vote here or read more about each session below!

How to Vote - it’s quick!

Log in or create a SXSW PanelPicker account. Use the links for each session, or search for them by title. Vote for as many sessions as you like! For extra points, leave a comment and share with your network!

Why are dollars going to data literacy? - vote here!

New investments addressing a massive skill gap have the power to strengthen a globally-competitive workforce, prepare a generation of problem-solvers, and meet the data revolution head-on. Key players from philanthropy and industry are funding efforts to increase data literacy for every K-12 student. Join this panel to learn about how investments in innovative learning environments, talent development, and coalitions for change are building capacity and equitable pipelines for our modern world.


  • Nancy Lue, Valhalla Foundation

  • Evan Heit, National Science Foundation

  • Sham Mustafa, Correlation One

Policy change making data science “the new basic” - vote here!

States and districts across the country are rethinking how we connect what kids learn in school to the skills they really need. From redesigning math pathways, to using stimulus funding to boost Career & Technical Education, data science is at the core of many of these efforts. Join this panel to discuss the models for change we’re seeing in states and districts like Virginia, Nebraska, and San Diego Unified to make data science literacy skills as fundamental as reading and writing.


  • Joshua Elder, Siegel Family Endowment

  • Stephanie Melville, San Diego Unified School District and IES

  • McKenzie Snow, Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia

  • Katie Graham, Nebraska Department of Education

Workshop: Bring Your Subject into the Data Age - vote here!

Heard of the hooplah for data science? We have you covered. This interactive workshop will preview lesson plans and ideas for how to integrate modern data science thinking and methods to your school subject. Whether it be math, science, social studies, or history, we will showcase examples of successful integration, and demo our approach for helping students build their data literacy and sense-making. Data science should be for everyone - teaching it across subjects is how we can get there.


  • Emmanuel Schanzer, Bootstrap World & Brown University

  • Kathi Fisler, Bootstrap World & Brown University

Meet-up: Data Science for Everyone? How to Move the Needle - vote here!

The information age has already arrived - careers, daily life, and knowledge itself are being transformed by massive amounts of data. What will it take to ensure every student is prepared by graduation? What are the resources, the infrastructure, the policy, and the community we need to turn data science from a must-have to a must-teach? We wish to bring together anyone passionate about data science - teachers, policymakers, industry leaders, parents - to discuss tangible ways to move the needle


  • Lindsey Henderson, Utah State Board of Education

  • Nancy Lue, Valhalla Foundation

We hope to see you in Austin next year!

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