The U.S. Department of Education has launched the Raise the Bar: STEM Excellence for All Students initiative, which is designed to strengthen STEM education nationwide. The new initiative unites government, nonprofits, professional organizations, industries, philanthropies, and other community stakeholders in taking bold action towards breaking down long-standing barriers for student success in STEM fields.

To support the initiative, Data Science 4 Everyone (DS4E) made a commitment to assist 100+ school districts in leveraging ARP and other funds for piloting and scaling data science education programs – which will impact approximately 200,000 students – with the priority of serving Title I (~30%) and rural (~30%) communities. With this commitment, DS4E will launch working groups in 10 states to expand teacher training pathways into emerging technology education and will launch a research and development campaign to promote the engagement of students with disabilities and other learning differences in data science education by 2025.
Learn more about the initiative below.
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